Do you know basque?
April 2024
Euskera, Basque or vascuence is a genetically isolated European language,that is, it has no relationship or connection with any other known language.
Basque language is spoken on both sides of the western end of the Pyrenees, which means that it covers territories belonging to both Spain and France. The latest figures indicate that some 900,000 people understand or are able to speak Basque.
The Royal Academy of the Basque Language – Euskaltzaindia, founded in 1919, is the official academic institution that watches over Basque language.
It is an institution whose mission is to research and formulate the grammatical laws of Basque language, promote its use and watch over the rights of the language, among others.
- itxita: Closed
- Irekita: Open
- Atea: Door
- Leihoa: Window
- Eguzkia: Sun
- Eguzkitakoa: Parasol
- Hotela: Hotel
- Ostatua: Inn
- Nekazaritza-turismoa: Agrotourisim
- Kanpin: Camping
- Kanpadenda: Tent
- Udaberria: Spring
- Uda: Summer
- Udazkena: Autumn
- Negua: Winter
- Egunkaria: Newspaper
- Aldizkaria: Magazine
- Bazkaria: Lunch
- Bazkaldu: Have lunch
- Afaria: Dinner
- Afaldu: Have dinner
- Sukaldea: Kitchen
- Tabernaria: Person in charge of a bar
- Zerbitzaria: Waiter/waitress
- Ordaindu: To pay
- Kobratu: To charge
- Banketxea: Bank
- Kutxazaina: ATM
- Gosaldu: Have breakfast
- Gosaria: Breakfast
- Logela: Bedroom
- Mahaia: Table
- Aulkia: Chair
- Hau: This
- Dirua: Money
- Txartela: Card
- Txanponak: Coins
- Emakumea: Woman
- Gizona: Man
- Komuna: Toilet, restroom
- Ados!: Ok!
- Pixka bat: Some
- Gutxi: Little
- Asko: Much
- Denda: Store
- Antzokia: Theater
- Autobus geltokia: Bus station
- Tren geltokia: Train station
- Erakusketa: Exhibition
- Botika: Pharmacy
- Ospitalea: Hospital
- Azoka: Fair
- Kafetegia: Coffe shop
- Egun on: Good morning
- Arratsalde on: Good afternoon
- Gabon: Good evening – good night
- Kaixo!: Hello!
- Agur!: Goodbye!
- Mesedez: Please
- Eskerrik asko: Thank you very much – thank you
- Jatetxea: Restaurant
- Taberna: Pub
- Aparkalekua: Parking lot
- Bat: One
- Bi: Two
- Hiru: Three
- Geltokia: stop (train, bus)
- Autobusa: Bus
- Trena: Train
- Aireportua: Airport
- Hondartza: Beach
- Udaletxea: Town hall
- Irteerak: Departures
- Iritsierak: Arrivals
- Bai: Yes
- Ez: No
- Asko: Much
- Gutxi: Little
- Ura: Water
- Ardoa: Wine
- Kreditu Tzartela: Credit card
- Hondartza: Beach
- Museoa: Museum
- Turismo Bulegoa: Tourist office
- Kalea: Street
- Kafe hutsa: Black coffee
- Esnea: Milk
- Kafesnea: Latte
- Ebakia: Macchiato
- Edaria: Drink
- Ogia: Bread
- Ogitartekoa: Sandwich
- Sarrera: Entrance
- Irteera: Exit
Common expressions
- Mahaia libre dago?: Is the table available?
- Ez, sentitzen dut: No, it isn’t available, sorry
- Bai, libre dago: Yes, it is available
- Mahaia hartuta dago: The table is taken
- Lasai! Don’t worry!
- Ederki! Fine!
- Bai, noski Yes, of course
- Euskalduna zara?: Are you a Basque speaker?
- Ingelesez badakizu?: Do you know English?
- Frantsesez badakizu?: Do you know French?
- Zenbat balio du?: How much is it?
- Turista bat naiz: I am a Tourist
- Turistak gara: We are Tourists
- Txartelarekin ordain dezaket?: Can I pay by card?
- Kobratuko didazu, mesedez?: Can you charge me, please?
- Bikain!: Excellent!
- Leku ederra da: It’s an amazing place
- Oso polita da: It’s beautiful
- Ez dut ulertzen: I don’t get it
- Oporretan nago: I’m on vacation
- Aulki hau libre dago?: May I use this chair?
- Tori!: Here you have it
- Kobratu, mesedez: The bill, please
- Zer moduz?: How are you?
- Egun ona izan!: Have a good day!
- Laster arte!: See you soon!
- Mila esker!: Thank you so much!
- Ez horregatik!: You are welcome!
- Hau nahi dut: I’d like to have this
- Hori nahi dugu: We’d like to have that
- Non dago?: Where is it?
- Pintxo hau, mesedez: I’d like to have this pintxo, please
- Beste bat, mesedez: Another one, please
- Sagardoa: Cider
- Ardo beltza: Red wine
- Ardo gorria: Light red wine
- Ardo zuria: White wine
- Urteko ardoa: Nouveau wine, cosechero
- Topa!: Cheers!
- Kafe bat, mesedez: A coffee, please
- Garagardo bat, mesedez: A beer, please
- Zenbat da?: How much is it?
- Kontua, mesedez: The bill, please
- Oso ondo, eskerrik asko: Okay, thank you
- Ongi etorri!: Welcome
- On egin!: Enjoy your meal!
- Gero arte!: See you
- Barkatu!: Sorry
- Non Dago?: Where is it?
- Hemen: Here
- Heman zaude: You are here
- Bihar ate!: See you tomorrow!
- Eguneko menua: Daily menu
- Plater konbinatua: Combination plate
- Lehenengo platera: First course
- Bigarren platera: Main course
WILHELM VON HUMBOLDT (Potsdam, 1767- Berlín, 1835)
Philosopher, linguist and one of the founders of the University of Berlin: “Basque is one of the most perfectly formed languages, surprising for its rigour, the structure of its words, its brevity and the boldness of its expression”
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