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Salted anchovies from the bay of Biscay

Plain luxury



April 2024

Anchovies from the Bay of Biscay (Engraulis encrarischolus) are one of the delicacies of the cuisine of Bizkaia and the whole of the Cantabrian coast. Culinary tradition offers a variety of ways of preparing them: fried, whole, open, marinated in vinegar and salt, in batter… They are always delicious.

This fish is no more than an inch long and forms enormous shoals. The small-scale inshore fleet catches them as they pass along the coast of Bizkaia during a season – the coastal season – which begins in March or April and lasts for a few months.

When salted and preserved in olive oil, they are a real luxury. Perhaps with a few strands of dried red chilli pepper. And a glass of txakoli and some good artisan bread served with it.

Anchovies from Bizkaia

The first records of the technique of salting anchovies date back to the Phoenicians. And the Greeks and Romans expanded the art of pampering anchovies.

In Bizkaia, the guardians of its secrets have been the local women of the harbours. In drums, alternate several layers of anchovies and salt. The anchovies mature over a period of eight months. And during the first weeks of the following year, they are cleaned and packed with olive oil in tins or glass jars. The white-fleshed fish is now a delicate brown foil.

The quality of the fish and the care taken in its selection and handling determines the final result. But it is always a true luxury.

Beers 1906

BEERS 1906


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