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bilbON Bizkaia Nº4 (invierno-winter 2022/23)

Long may we enjoy the winter

If someone of the size of the London poet, painter and mystic William Blake wrote “in sowing, learn; in harvest, teach; in winter, enjoy”, we are not the ones to question him. Long may we enjoy the winter. Bilbao and Biscay provide us with landscapes, events and gastronomy that make it very easy for us.

Browse through the pages of bilbON and you will discover dishes, tables, festivals, markets and places to enjoy from Orduña to Plentzia, passing through Elorrio, Abadiño, Larrabetzu, Urdaibai or Bilbao.

Let us enjoy the winter and this Territory.

And let’s ask Percy Shelley: “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?”


  • Orduña
    Un lugar lleno de historia A rich historical place
  • Elorrio
    La desconocida joya vizcaína. The unknown Biscayan treasure
  • From Elorrio to the Plentzia estuary
    From Elorrio to the Plentzia estuary in five steps
  • Rober Garay
    El artista que narra historias con los paisajes de Urdaibai
    The artist who narrates stories using the Urdaibai landscapes
  • Ea
    Urdaibai en esencia. Ea, Urdaibai at its heart
  • Gabriel Garbisu
    Un clásico de Bilbao. A classical actor from Bilbao
  • Muelle Marzana
    Shakespeare y William Bowles en el muelle de Marzana. Shakespeare and William Bowles at Marzana quay
  • Semana Santa en Bizkaia
    Easter in Biscay
  • BEC
    El mar y Japón, los protagonistas. The sea and Japan, the stars of winter at the BEC!
  • Carnival
    Del 16 al 21 de febrero Bizkaia se disfraza. Biscay dresses up
  • Traditional markets
    The traditional winter markets. The traditional winter markets
  • La alubia – The bean
    El rito culinario de los meses fríos. The culinary rite of the colder months
  • Antomar Restaurant
    Jamón ibérico as a hallmark. Jamón ibérico as a hallmark
  • Ankapalu jatetxea
    Cocina tradicional y también de autor. Traditional and signature cuisine in a unique setting
  • Santa Águeda
    Las coplas que despiertan la tierra. The coplas to Santa Águeda that awaken the earth
  • Do you know basque?
    Do you know basque?
  • Artxanda Funicular
    Bilbao from above Bilbao from above

Bilbon Magazines (welcome to Bizkaia)

Bilbon magazine Bilbao Bizkaia n1

Bilbon nº1

Bilbon revista bilbao bizkaia n2

Bilbon nº2

Bilbon revista bilbao bizkaia n3

Bilbon nº3

Bilbon magazine Bilbao Bizkaia n4

Bilbon nº4

Bilbon magazine Bilbao Bizkaia n5

Bilbon nº5

Bilbon revista Bilbao Bizkaia n6

Bilbon nº6

Bilbon Magazine Bilbao Bizkai nº 7

Bilbon nº7